Animal in the road

When you’re being taught to drive, the general rule is that you shouldn’t swerve to avoid an animal if there is a chance it could affect other drivers around you. Many drivers instinctively do the opposite however – swerving away from the path of an animal in order to avoid hurting it. …  There are various laws that exist in regards to traffic accidents with animals and these vary on the type of animal involved. In all circumstances though, if you are involved in an accident where an animal has been killed or injured you are required by law to remain at the scene of the accident – Read more –

Driving without due care and attention – … an animal ran out from his left side and he swerved to miss it thus leading to him veering across the road and coming to a stand still when hitting the curb. This happened approximately 4 weeks ago and today he received a letter from the Police/camera department stating driving without due care and attention.  Read more –

Your instinct might be to swerve to avoid a collision, but what if there was a car coming the other way? You could slam on the brakes, but would the car behind stop in time?  It might be too late for any kind of evasive action and you might have no choice but to hit the animal.   Read more –